new blog maybe coming soon...feeling the itch to write, just need to get a few things worked out first

I am alive...just been really busy lately (work and stuff) and been taking a break from trying to do quite so much stuff on the interwebs. I'll probably try to start blogging and animating again sometime in the near future. However, I will most likely be creating a new blog somewheres else when I return (yes, I will link to it from here).


Hey Everyone,

I'm actually going to write a post today, rather then just post a video, because I have a special request to ask. I have recently entered the Mytoons Get With the Times Contest and I need Your help voting for me.

You can vote for my animation once every hour, so if you happen to have some few free seconds each hour, please go vote for my animation.

To vote, just go to and click the "Cast you Vote" button.

Three easy step to vote are:

1. Log in or Register

2. Go to my animation at

3. Click the "Cast your Vote” button to vote for my animation.

Thanks in advance,

One more short mytoons intro animation created for the Mytoons Bumper Blastoff Contest.

Another short mytoons intro animation created for the Mytoons Bumper Blastoff Contest.

A short mytoons intro animation created for the Mytoons Bumper Blastoff Contest.

-Mytoons Fight was a Mytoons Bumper Blastoff weekly contest winner and was featured on the Scoop.

A random portrait drawn with pencils.

Two doughnut pictures created for the Mytoons Doughnut Decorating Contest.

A flashy-happy TV commercial style doughnut created in Flash.

A darker-child's story book style doughnut drawn with pencils and then color tints added with Flash.

A random short I made Fall 07 while experimenting with mixing real footage with flash animation.

-Pumpkin Head Vlog was featured on the Mytoons Animation Snack on 4.11.08


Copyright 2008 | James Furrow